The potatoes are in, the onions are planted out with little green tips poking up. The spinach has revived itself after the winter, and despite 'pea-weavil' attacks the peas and broad-beans appear to be holding their own.
While far behind others on the Allotment, the rhubarb that I feared died in transport from Northern Ireland is now up and growing, as are dad's transplanted raspberry canes which were looking ready for the compost until the first buds began forming.
You might be able to make out from the photo that i've built my runner bean structure to save me work later, and you can definitely see my kindly donated Gooseberry bushes which are growing away nicely.
At home the house is heaving with tomato plants and brassicas on every window sill, while the back-garden is abounding in lettuce, chard, spring onions, radishes and all manner of salad crops.
I'm sure there'll be set-backs along the way, but for now it's all looking full of promise!
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